HAT Uniform PolicyItems with the school logo can be bought from our uniform supplier MyClothing or from Havering Schoolwear, Hornchurch Road. We also have an exchange for pre-worn quality items on the UJS Facebook page and the PFA have set up a pre-loved school uniform shop online - Details below:
To access the shop, the you can either;
1.) select it from the drop-down menu at the top of the homepage, or
2.) scroll to the bottom of the homepage and select ‘Uniformd Shop’.
You will then be able to search for ‘Upminster Infant and Junior Schools’ and select your chosen items.
Additionally, if you require name labels, these can be purchased from Stikins Name Labels.
Long hair should be tied back at all times. This is so that this does not detract from children's learning, and is out of the way during PE lessons. Under no circumstances are extreme hairstyles permitted. We have high standards of presentation, and this includes hairstyles.
School Bags
Children should use UIS book bags only.
PE Kit
· Yellow polo shirt (optional with school logo);
· Navy blue shorts
· Black plimsolls
· Navy blue tracksuit (optional jumper with school logo)
· Black Trainers
We also ask parents / carers to provide an old shirt or PVC apron for Art lessons.
Pupils are not permitted to wear any jewellery items due to the potential safety risk. The only exception to our no jewellery rule is a sensible watch, but this must be removed for PE.
http://www.uniformd.co.ukName Labels
*Please note: no leggings or trousers other than plain tailored trousers are permitted (no embroidery or embellishments).